YAMOO stands for: Yours
And Mine Or
YAMOO PUBLISHERS is a Brooklyn based small business founded in 1983.
Poems Promoting PeaceTM is a business venture designed to
be run part-time from home. You are the boss of Your Company. We supply you with the products and the know-how to make
a small investment of time and money turn into cash. Work only when you want
to work. You are “a mobile vending machine”, who can sell from door to door, street vend, peddle to pedestrians,
accost drivers stuck in traffic, and arrange to have Poems Promoting Peace parties in customers’ businesses or homes.
Imagine being able to raise $$money$$ for your PTA, your Church, your favorite charity and promoting peace and family values:
or, just extra cash for after work or school to keep yourself busy.
The Product Line: (all prices include sales tax)
The Original Heartbreak Vaccine Kit*: contains , “Planning To Get Married
(./?)” poem to be framed, - “When You Love Someone, Really Love!” greeting card, - "BEFORE THE DIVORCE READ
THIS!” book, and “AFTER THE HEARTBREAK,JUST LISTEN!( ...a reading)” audio cd.
Open Edition 8.5 x 11 in. prints: poems ready for framing.
Positive Messages for young men growing up without their fathers: 5.5 x 8.5
in. book $10.00
White Orchid Women’s Series: 36in. x 11in. prints with 5 poems ready for
framing A Tribute To All Women *
Body, Soul, Flesh, Mind and Spirit $120.00
Our purpose is to work toward a better world using poems in the form of "the printed word". Poems Promoting PeaceTM is
our marketing division.
We also sponsor emotional health seminars using poetry as a focus to encourage self-awareness
of the consequences of our careless use of words.
166 Hart Street 3F, Brooklyn, NY 11206
tel. 718-282-7543
info@YAMOO Publishers
CEO: M A Butcher (poet)
Home of 'Poetbutcher'
This website and its' logos, names, images and text content are trademarks and copyrighted material
(all rights are reserved). You are prohibited from copying, printing, storing, saving or downloading any of the site content
without prior written consent from YAMOO Publishers. This site is for your viewing pleasure and to inform you.
Copyright 2020 M. A. Butcher