for young men growing up without their fathers
Marc Anthony Butcher

8.5 x 5.5in. soft-cover
96 pages
approx. 300 axioms, aphorisms, addages,
poems, quotes and questions.
with introduction, preface and
suggested reading list
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What happens during your first seven years leaves you with scars that can take forever to heal. If you've
been abandoned by either of your parents, for whatever reasons, you've been scarred by imbalance. Your psyche, the gateway
to your will and the dooryard to your self-esteem, has been cluttered with cumbersome obstacles. How you overcome them is
supposedly your own personal challenge. Many a grown man will not advise another male child for fear of having to be too candid
and honest. For hard-learned wisdom is also laced with the shame of confession. But Marc Anthony Butcher has taken care of
that hurdle for you with his own honesty. Thus, this book is a blessing. A refreshing, frank and thought-provoking collection
of solid advice for all young men in need of direction and focus, especially those, who like Marc, did not grow up in their
father's presence. Parents, relatives and friends who may not know quite where to start with those needed talks will find
this book most useful. The range of topics and advice offered here are consistent enough to serve as solid base for good discussion.
But Marc's approach is not just about sex education, religious and ethical instruction, or about lying, cheating and following
the wrong crowd; this book is inundated with care and concern and with practical guidelines for living life fully. Not one
entry is dry or puritanical, but earthy and real. The author's focus is on the need to communicate, and he does it with such
sensitivity that you can't help but feel good about having read it and wanting to share it.
Louis Reyes Rivera
Quotes from the book
Someone will ask you when you are young, "What do you want to be when you grow
up?" If your answer is, "...to be a good person", you will always have an achievable goal.
Laughing is an exercise in living life to its fullest. So, my child, live and
whenever possible, laugh.
Page 31
The joy in thinking
is realizing you're able
to do just that. Think!
Page 50
Please plan; short term plan, long term plan. There is an old adage, "He
who fails to plan, plans to fail." Remember this.
Page 72
In reference to sex, if you have to take a woman's clothes off her, it should
be obvious she is not a consenting partner. When there's any doubt, just do without.
Page 83
The responsibility of a parent is to provide a conducive and peaceful environment
for growth. If you won't do this, then don't engage in sex and don't get married.
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The young women's companion book: "Dear Daughter Positive Messages..."
is almost complete and near publication.
"Poetry at its Finest"
Gifts to make Life better.
Art that 'Teaches' now
and 'Forever'.
We're trying to make
"A Better World" now with words
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